Research computing services and support!

Thornarg LLC recently launched with the goal of providing expert-level support and computing services to researchers looking for something better than the lack-luster offerings of typical institutional or cloud platforms. If you're an institutional researcher tired of one-size-fits-all IT support, if you're an independent researcher fed-up with the complexity and cost of cloud services, or if you're a researcher simply looking for a collaborative instead of confrontational computing environment, then you've come to the right place.

We have multiple servers with considerable compute and storage resources. Most importantly, we have (combined) 50 years of experience supporting a very successful institutional space physics research environment. We offer service subscriptions that include compute, storage, web, and consulting (or collaboration) services or by-the-hour consulting for a very reasonable rate. We can support only a limited number of bona fide space physics or astronomy researchers, so don't hesitate to contact us with a brief description of your needs at: (all communications completely confidential)

One of the benefits of a service subscription is the option to have your own custom domain under to host your personal web site, your latest research, or even a data analysis or distribution service. See the trivial example at